If you care about programming Android applications, you are now in the right place, where I will give you a comprehensive guide on how to do it the right way, from the collection of tools and find the idea of a marketing application.
First, the need to learn a programming language for the development
and construction of Android applications, for example Java, and C ++ ...
you can count on some paid courses, or simply free courses are also
very useful, you can opt out good location to accommodate commentaries
thereon.Second, you must download Android Studio software developer by Google, and present on both Windows, Linux, and Mac. It reflected the role of this program is to provide you with all the
tools you will need to write the first Ocuadk whether to build the
application or game, in addition to the many advantages and of ensuring
the survival of applications up-to-fit with the coming of Android
it is the most difficult problems that you may experience in this area
is to create a wonderful idea, non-current, targeted, demand, because
this is what will make you achieve big profits, or you can search for a
problem area for many people, and then put solved in the form of an
application with the improved.Fourth
and finally, after a study of programming languages, and application
building comes his marketing stage, you can rely on it on social
networking sites, because they Manma huge, then do not think about
profit and money in the first weeks, but focused on the improvement of
your application, and gain a fan base through assessments and opinions Mejrebah.What
I want you to know my friend supervisor that this area is characterized
by competition is fierce, but the broad market and the ideas are your
weapon, and then remember that you can not rely on this area as the main
source of profit, but in case you've built an application or game and
spread globally as Candy Crash.