Thursday, 4 February 2016


Android application seriously lets you know which sites to visit anyone on the network, access to passwords and cookies, etc. ..

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Jamaa Belgana Android application seriously lets you know which sites to visit anyone on the network, access to passwords and cookies, etc. ..Jamaa Belgana Friday, January 1, 2016 articles, android, appIn the Code of Professional touched many of the issues related to protection and security, whether in computers or smart phones. We also publish a lot of Android applications in order to enlighten the followers around and about gravity. Today is no exception, so Snarafkm application of a dangerous new on Android phones.Intercepter-NG is a tool for piracy, which can intercept and analyze the communication is encrypted via Wi-network Vaa.oho one of the best and easiest applications in this area today.What can you do for this application?

As we said earlier, the application is very dangerous, he is able to network scan and identify all the devices connected to the same network, and can be by stealing cookies, know which sites to visit the victim, the users / passwords names .walktar other functions. Also he has an advantage similar to the famous Wireshark program where you can collect packets sent over the network to be analyzed at a later time.How the application works? After you download the application and give him the powers Alroot, connect to the Wi-Fi network that you want to scan them, and I will show you all the devices connected to the network, both wired and wireless.

Then select the user you want to intercept his contacts across Alhbkh.amkink know which sites are visited, extract the user names and passwords, and even get cookies from your machine that!Link Load Application


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