Cancel ban adult content in the blogosphere - roughly how much a blog
with content managers for adults that use Blogger service huh? This is the case in question because Google finally cancel rules that prohibit adult content to Blogger!Google - Updated on sexual content policy bloggerYes, Google pulled back to the rules that have already reported on the
prohibition of the use of bloggers adult content like this, and it
seems that these warnings on every page of the plate blogger When you
register we have already.Jessica Pelegio, product manager at Google, states The Guardian said thatWe get a lot of feedback, especially around these massive changes. Some of them already have a Blogger account since 10 years.Google
finally completely cancel the block or prohibit the use of a blogger
for adult content, but simply continue the old rules. That is, it prohibits the use of adult content for commercial purposes. Could be the reason for this is Google in this regard did not want to Blogger users who have Contains Adult lose? In fact there are already many years the use of their services that
they fear will turn into a platform / other services such as Word?It could be that. It's a matter of the users who use Google services, blogger, and of
course this could be a special position and proven success in the world
of the Internet.Still, according PelegioThe blog owner should continue to give 'adult' if the blog has adult content, so that can be saved in another "adult content."